Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Fruit is In!!

The fruit is finally here! The FFA Organization’s annual fruit sale process is almost over. The fruit came in today (Tuesday, December 11), FFA members unloaded it from the semi over first and second hour, and the officers have been sorting it throughout the day into piles for each FFA member and any other orders.

FFA members can pick their fruit up for delivery today between 2:30 and 5:00 p.m. Tomorrow it can be picked up from 2:30 to 7:00 p.m. Thursday there are no pickup times, and Friday it can be picked up between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. The members need to be careful with boxes and not break anything, so the customer gets them in good condition. A tub of herring has already been spilled in the school and is currently stinking up an entire hallway. Members should also make sure they let the customer know before delivering the fruit, and should not leave an order “on the step” unless the customer requests it. Fruit shouldn’t be frozen either, if left outside too long, this is a possibility. They also will need to be careful with the butter braids, which came in last week, because if they start to thaw out, they are ruined.

Anybody who ordered fruit from the school newsletter, and wants to pick it up, should contact the school. They can call 651-923-4447, and set up a time to come get it from Mr. Thompson’s shop door. There is plenty of extra fruit, meat, cheese, butter braids, etc. If anyone would like to purchase these extra items, they should call the school (same number listed above) and place an order. They can also place an order by emailing Mr. Thompson at althomp@goodhue.k12.mn.us with their request.

Anyone who ordered fruit, meat, cheese, butter braids, popcorn, or anything else from the order form, should be receiving it within the next few days. If you are concerned about your order, call the school or the FFA member you placed your order with. Thanks for ordering from the Goodhue FFA!

By: Laura Lodermeier

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