Friday, September 28, 2007

Fall Play Preview

Goodhue high school will be presenting their fall play, Snowball and others by Paul Sedgewick and directed by Tom Ersland on Saturday, November 3, 2007, and it will be held in the high school auditorium. A matinee and evening showing will be presented. Tentative times for the production are 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. A dress rehersal will be given for the elementary on Friday morning.

The play consists of four acts; Snowball, Brother Bear and Jester, Amazing Checkoff, and Sarcastic Duo. The running time is approzamatly two hours. The pace should be fairly quick and enjoyable.

Cast members and roles are as follows*:

Smiley Hillary Husband
Grundy Brittan Duffing
Taylor Haley Husband
Monroe Brooke Bitzan
Newly Sierra Songaard
Ali Paige Gadient
Toni Sharece Hahn
Clementine Carolyn Johnson
Billy Jacob Blattner
Edgar Daniel Clugston
Lope Erica Tipke
Checkoff Shawna Conrad
Shakey Jenna Kohlnhofer
Simon Molly Benrud
Sam Abbey Kohlnhofer
Benard Michelle Poncelet
Becky Karlaya Hahn
Lester Ray Robbins
Hardy Emily Ryan
Stan Ray Robbins

*Cast has possibility to change

Hope to see you there!!!

Posted by Brittan Duffing and Peter Gruetzmacher

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